My most profitable flip of 2016; to the tune of $12,000!
Alright everyone, here's the best flip of 2016 so far!! (I have a few more flips in the works with some serious potential so I'll keep you...

Are You A Good Candidate for Flipping Flea Market Items for Profit?
Do you love browsing through thrift stores, yard sales and flea markets? Have you ever considered selling some of your treasures online to make a profit? Maybe you have been following...

How a SAHM Made $450 in Two Days of Flipping Flea Market Items
How many of my fellow stay at home moms work from home on the side as well? If you do or of you don't you are doing an awesome job!...

10 Kid Items You Should Never Pay Full Price For
A large part of flipping items is to make a profit. My family relies on the income that I make from buying and reselling. But a HUGE side benefit from...

The Shortest Month Of The Year Brings In Over $8K
February is the shortest month of the year, but that didn't stop it from being the most profitable monthly income out of the last 12! Must have been that extra...

How I was able to take 6 weeks of vacation last year (and make it to California, New York City, and the Florida keys with my family)
I have to start this post by saying I am not a millionaire who can just go spend whatever they want on whatever hotels and travel they want, whenever they...

How I Made Over $450 During Our Weekend Away in Dallas
Last weekend my wife and I attended a conference in Dallas for her health and nutrition company. I have had an entrepreneurial mind set for as long as I can...

How We Saved Over $300 on Our Kids’ Christmas Presents This Year
Christmas is over and here we are jumping into a new year! 2016 already. Time seems to go faster and faster every year. This year was especially fun because my daughters...

Extra Money For Christmas: $3,000 In 3 Days Of Flipping
Extra Money For Christmas: $3,000 In 3 Days Of Flipping Have I mentioned before that Christmas is my favorite time of the year? Well it definitely is! (Especially when you...

Road Trippin’ Flippin’: Making almost $5,000 while on vacation
We have just finished a 2+ week road trip up and down the east coast. My wife has family in New Jersey and Tennessee and we decided to visit them...