How I Made $133,054 Last Year Flipping Flea Market Items for Profit
* Affiliate links may be used on this post. Please see my full disclosure for more details. * The 2016 sales totals are in! We hit over six figures! We...

A Flea Market Flipper’s Review Of Amazon Prime
*Affiliate links may be used in this post. We may get compensated for links clicked. We don't promote anything we don't personally use or love. Thank you for your help...

How We Made Almost $2,500 in 48 Hours by Flipping Flea Market Items
Don't you love to hear that cha-ching sound of eBaygoing off? If you don't have an eBay account yet, or have never sold anything on it, let me tell you they...

Flea Market Flipper’s November Earnings Report – $6,200 Including 2 weeks On Vacation!!
Affiliate links may be used in this article. We may be compensated for links clicked on this site. Thank you for your support to keep this site running. * The...

4 Powerful Ways to Make the Most of Your Variable Income
Today we are excited to have Charissa Quade from Cook With a Shoe guest post with us on budgeting! She has just released her new eBook; Budgeting Made Easy:Thriving on Any...

How We Made $5,600 Selling on EBay While On The Road
Well that was a long road trip! We covered over 3,000 miles through 12 states in two weeks time, and made $5,600 on eBay while doing it. AND we did it...

Make More Money At Your Yard Sale Using These 5 Tips
We had our first yard sale in a long while this past Saturday. I would call it a success! Our goal was to declutter some things that have accumulated from...

My Wackiest Flea Market Flip (That Made Me $1,000 in One Day)
I get asked all the time "what is the weirdest flip you've ever done?" I would have to say hands down one of my flips definitely sticks out more than...

How I Made $200 on EBay in Only 6 Minutes!
During my stroll down the flea market aisles last week, I came across a parachute harness that intrigued me. Extreme sports interest me, but I have never been sky diving....

How One Flea Market Flip Paid Our Mortgage This Month
Do you think it's possible to pay your Mortgage payment by one flea market flip? I just did last week and I was really excited about it! When I was...