If you’re a reseller, you’ve probably heard about the new Mercari update that promises zero seller fees.
This is a huge buzz in the reselling world, and while we do not sell a lot on Mercari, we thought we’d share some of the things we’ve heard about it.
Mercari recently announced that they are not having any more seller fees, which is huge. Reseller fees are a huge expense for us so we wanted to unpack what this means.
Mercari Buzz On Social Media
We asked on our social media channels what people thought. Some people think it’s great, some say it’s awful. Some people want to start selling on Mercari now, while others say they never will. It was pretty interesting to see all the different sides of what people are thinking that this could mean.
What Does Zero Seller Fees Mean On Mercari?
Zero seller fees doesn’t mean Mercari won’t get their fees. They’ll just be getting it now from the buyer. What does that mean in terms of the buying selling relationship? Are we going to end up bringing prices down because the buyer now is looking at it that they’re going to be paying more fees? Will this encourage other reselling platforms to consider lowering their seller fees?
Other Mercari Changes
There will now be a $2 cash out fee every time you do a transaction to your account. That’s still a lot lower than 10 or 13%.
Another new piece on the buyer side is that buyers are allowed to return an item for any reason within 72 hours. That is not that long of a time. It’s nice for sellers because it’s a relatively short window and there is still a return process to go through that includes submitting pictures. It’s not just like Amazon where you click return.
Other concerns with the changes are that Mercari doesn’t have the best customer service. Who is paying for the return? Is it coming from the seller or the buyer? Do the fees still get collected on returns? There are still some unknowns as this starts rolling out.
It’s interesting because we don’t accept returns on our items since they are mostly larger, freight items. eBay wants you to accept returns within 30 days for their moneyback guarantee. We always under promise and over deliver on our items, which helps eliminate the need for returns. Since we’re dealing with larger amounts of money, our buyers generally want the item they’re purchasing, but eBay can still force you to take a return within 30 days.
What Do You Think About Mercari’s Changes?
There’s a couple different theories and ideas of why Mercari might have done this. We’d love to hear what you think. Do you think it’s a good play? Are you going to keep selling to Mercari? Are you going to stop selling on Mercari?
We don’t typically sell on Mercari because they don’t do freight shipping, but it’s never a bad idea to cross post items. But if you do that for a long time and aren’t getting any hits, it may not be worth the effort. For us, eBay is still where we’ll be selling due to the type and size of items we sell.
Tell us what you think in the comments below or find us on social media!
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