A lot of families have jumped into homeschooling lately with all the craziness going on.
Lets just say from the small taste we got of it from the spring with distance learning, I don’t know how parents do it – and still do everything else they need to do!
We were not ready for this!
Lindsey helped her 6 kids with homeschooling while in the middle of three home renovations, adoption certification to adopt two more girls, and a new flipping side hustle that she’s rocking!
After hearing what Lindsey was accomplishing while balancing homeschooling with her kids, we decided we’d stop complaining!
Lindsey has managed to make $2,738 in flipping sales her first month! She’s such an inspiration!
Let Us Introduce You to Lindsey
My name is Lindsey and I’m 36 years old and happily married to my best friend. We became similar to the “Brady Bunch” 8 years ago after we got married. Combining his 3 children with my 3 children to make one giant happy family.
My husband has since adopted all 3 of my children. Our family ranges in ages from 9 to 18. I also have 3 daughters that passed away at birth.
Since getting married and combining our family, we believed that we have so much more love to give. This prompted us to start the Foster To Adopt Certification Process that we are to finalize soon. Happily, we will be adding two more little girls to our already large family in the near future.
Flipping Enhances Homeschooling
Our family lives in Louisiana and we homeschool our kids. We consider ourselves more like “unschoolers,” meaning that we don’t follow traditional learning or curriculum. We learn from life and encourage our children to learn whatever they are passionate about.
Our kids have been learning from my flipping business and this year they will be starting their own flipping business. My 5 year old son is determined to use flipping to pay his way through all of welding school.
Our Family Values
We encourage our kids to follow their dreams no matter what society thinks. I don’t want them to feel like a college degree is mandatory. I only want them to be happy and love what they are doing. It’s not in our plan that they work their lives away at something they are miserable doing.
We are a strong Christian family and my only focus is getting them to Heaven not Harvard. If they want to go to Harvard, it will be because that is their goal and dream.
I have a degree in Art and Graphic Design and occasionally I will freelance on the side, but my passion is flipping! I have flipped items on and off for about 19 years. Most of that time, flipping was just a fun hobby. Something that I loved to do.
My ex- husband was active duty Army, so it became something to fill my time during four year long deployments.
After my ex-husband and I divorced, I stopped flipping for a few years. As a single mom I felt pressure to get a “real job” to support my family. My kids came first and I stopped flipping.
Post Motor Vehicle Accident
About four years ago, I was in a severe car accident. I was t-boned at 55mph and my car flipped three times landing over 300 feet from the point of impact. My airbags and seatbelts malfunctioned. When the car stopped, my head was in the passenger seat, my back arched over the center console, and my right leg was crushed in the driver’s door.
Aside from internal bleeding and reconstructive knee surgery, I still have daily neck and back pain, migraines, and no feeling in my leg from my knee to my ankle.
I have my good days and my bad days. My bad days are why I no longer work a 9 to 5 job.
We live crazy and hectic lives. Some days I have to just go with the flow. For the most part I am a major list maker. I live by my lists and I have a list for just about every aspect of my life. Not the mention my addiction to sticky notes. All this helps keep me organized and focused!
In the Beginning…
I was a stay at home Army wife for 11 years. I was bored and wanted to find something fun to fill my time in Georgia. It was also important to find a hobby I could easily do with kids.
I started going to local auctions and they had this thing called the “corner lot” which was a huge pile of random boxes and miscellaneous items. I won my first corner lot for $115 and took all six truck loads home!
With these items, I had a few garage sales and ended up making a little over $6,000 off that corner lot.
This was the beginning of my flipping journey. Ever since then, I was sold on the idea of flipping items for profit! Once we did our PCS move from Georgia to Texas, I couldn’t find any more corner lots, so I turned to flipping furniture that I found at garage sales.
It all started for me then, but I have been looking for the best items to flip to increase my profits. I had been doing a lot of research online when I came across a blog post from you about Flea Market Flipper and Flipper University.
I wanted more out of this flipping gig. More profits and more time with my family was a goal of mine. I think I signed up within an hour of reading that blog post. I just jumped in feet first!
The rest is pretty much history!
Increasing Profits
I’m happy to report that I’ve learned a lot with Flipper University and the Flipping Facebook Group. I was able to make $2,738 my first month! I’m super happy about that!
I am confident that learning how to freight ship will definitely increase my flipping profits. Planning to start with freight after all of the Foster Care Certification process and the home projects are complete.
For now, I sell mostly small items and will flip just about anything. The two things that I have sold the most of over the last month have been jogging stroller tires and cameras, believer it or not. I love sourcing and selling cameras. It’s one of my favorite things and I do really well with them as well.
Big Dreams are On the Horizon
Our ultimate goal is for me to supplement my husband’s income so that he is able to work from home too. He works 60-70 hours a week and sometimes up to seven days a week.
He wants to be home to help with the kids, enjoy watching them grow up, and help me on my bad days when I am dealing with my injuries from the car accident. This is so helpful to me.
Because we homeschool, we are free to travel. If he were working from home, we could literally pick up, travel, and source from anywhere. We would have no limits to what we could accomplish.
My husband is completely supportive of my flipping business and the end goal is to do it together full time. We both love it and find it fits well with our family structure and our plans for freedom.
Extra Income Helps With Adoption
Those are ultimate goals. But for now, it has been nice to have the extra income to cover unexpected expenses. During the Foster Care home inspection, we were told that we would have to screen in the back patio because we needed a second barrier to the hot tub.
I was able to cover that unexpected expense with what I made in my first 30 days of joining and completing Flipper University.
Flipper U Opens New Doors
Since joining Flipper U and being a part of the flipping group, I have a new found confidence that this CAN be done because I am doing it!
In the past, when I would buy from auctions, or have garage sales every weekend, even sold some refinished furniture. I have been limited by my injuries and everything else that was going on in our lives.
In the beginning, I would have NEVER shipped anything over First Class or something that fit into a Priority Flat Rate box. I was definitely limiting myself by not branching out.
Flipper University has broadened my scope and I have learned that the sky’s the limit as to what I can accomplish with eBay and soon to be freight shipping! I have gained so much knowledge from the Flipper U and even more valuable knowledge from the Facebook Group.
Facebook Group is Valuable
Everyone has been incredibly helpful and so willing to give out information. They have all been so encouraging and motivating. I have learned about what to look for, what to source, and information about running a flipping business in general.
Before Flipper U, I was selling an item here and an item there, totaling just a few hundred dollars every once in a while.
Happily, in my first five weeks of Flipper U, I have done $2,130 in Ebay sales and about $900 in local sales for a total of $3,030!
This is a whole new level of selling for me and I’m excited about it!
Flipping Buys Freedom
I love the FREEDOM flipping gives to our family the most. Always had an entrepreneur spirit. Never really enjoyed “working a job.”
Typically I do things my way and only wanted to be doing what I loved.
I can flip items and make money while staying home with my kids, continuing education with distance learning, traveling, and even when I’m having a bad day due to injuries.
With flipping, I feel like I can do it all!
Overcoming Challenges
On the other hand, there are some limits to living in our very small town. I have had to drive a little farther and expand my search radius. The flea markets here aren’t great.
Sourcing has been a bit more challenging and difficult to find good items, but it just means that I have to put in a little more effort and expand my search radius a bit. Not a deal breaker… I just have to dig a little deeper!
And I have!
Currently, freight shipping has been something we have not been able to jump right into due to everything going on like distance learning with the kids, Foster Certification classes, and being in the middle of three different home renovation projects. This pretty much consumes us right now!
For now, I am happy with over $3,000 from flipping small items because that is what we are able to do currently. But we look forward to branching out to freight shipping when the time is right!
Turning a Little Into a Lot!
I think one of the biggest perks of flipping is taking a little money and turning it into a nice profit!
When I was pregnant with my last child, I bought a Doppler (a hand held ultrasound!) having no clue on brand or anything. I paid $50 and used it for the whole nine months of my pregnancy.
After my baby was born, I put the Doppler on eBay as an auction item. The item sold for $763! I had no idea it was a medical hospital grade Doppler or how much it was worth. That was my most profitable flip to date!
Recently, I bought a “Ton Of Girl Toys” off of Facebook Marketplace for $50. I made my money back with the first item sold and have made about $300 profit so far just selling the toys.
Along with those toys, included in that was a Barbie Dream house. I haven’t even listed or sold that yet. It’s amazing what people will buy and how much $50 can bring in profits.
Looking Towards The Future
Looking forward I hope to continue to learn more, venture out of my comfort zone, and continue to increase my profits. I have been enjoying the learning process, getting better at flipping, and increasing the money to help our family finances. I look forward to the future of flipping.
If educating her kids by homeschooling, home renovations, and adoption weren’t enough, Lindsey has taken off with her flipping business and we couldn’t be more happy for her! We look forward to her flipping future!
Have you been thrust into distance learning or homeschooling due to Covid-19? Maybe you are continuing homeschool because you love it. Are you looking for a way to supplement your income while you spend time with your kids at home?
Check out our free intro webinar today!
Further Resources
Free 5-Day Intro To Flipping Video Course
FREE Workshop How To Turn Your Passion of Flipping Items Into A Profitable Reselling Business
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