I know I am a little behind for this post, but our March flea market flipping income report totals are in! They have been in now for a few weeks, and we are about to close out April in another week, but we finally are putting together our most recent flips for you all to check out.
We decided to start posting our income reports for several reasons. The first one is to keep ourselves accountable. I have been doing this flipping thing for over 20 years now, and I never kept track of what I made. It was always a hobby – but one that came in handy when finances were tight. Once we decided to take this more serious we started keeping better records. It has helped us tremendously to know what is going in and out each month now.
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Another reason is to provide encouragement to people who want to do this as a part time or full time income. It is pretty popular in the blogging world for bloggers to post their income reports, and we always found it encouraging to read those. They help us keep going when sometimes we would rather be doing other things.
Lastly, but most importantly is to provide value and information to our readers. We have students and readers who are doing flea market flipping (or thrift store and yard sale flipping) as a side hustle or main hustle now and we want to provide information to help them become successful.
Now for the flips for the month! In no particular order:
Concrete Stamps. I bought a ton of these stamps at one time about a year and a half ago. I have been selling them off a couple pieces at a time. From what I figured I have about $10 into these couple pieces from my whole lot. (I just sold a larger lot of them for $3,000 in the month of April!)
Hello Kitty Guitar. I bought this when my oldest daughter was a couple months old. I thought it would be cool for her to have. The problem is I think a lot of things are cool for our kids to have – and Melissa doesn’t always agree. In her mind everything is for sale, so I sold it. (For a profit of course).
We sold two DonJoy knee braces this month. One sold for $100 and one sold for $150. I paid $3 for each of them.
One of my water heaters sold for $600. I have four left now.
I sold this metal detector for $150.
And for the win (again!) the remaining $3,675 was from Sleep Number mattress parts! We sold 19 air chambers, 2 mattress covers, and 3 foam sets. I wish I would have split up the mattresses a while ago because the last couple months the individual parts have been selling like hot cakes.
We sold 2 of these mattress top covers.
Three of these foam sets sold in March for $250 per set.
We sold 19 of these air chambers to eBay customers this month. 19! Three people even bought 2 at a time to replace their current ones.
The grand total for everything was $5,075 in sales. I have $390 invested into all of these items and paid $500 in eBay fees, which brings our flea market flipping total to $4,185 profit for the month of March. Not too shabby! Not quite the $9,290 in the month of February, so April will have to step it up again (and we are on track for that to happen.)
As you can see, sometimes our months can be all over the place. One month we will do $9,000 in sales, another month $6,000, this month $4,000, and then $12,000+ in one month. This makes it VERY hard to write a budget up for our family. We have done it numerous times and not been successful sticking to it. We recently came across Charissa Quade’s Budgeting Made Easy: Thriving on ANY Income, and it really helped us be clearer with our budgeting. She has very practical action steps to take in each section, and they MAKE SENSE- even to someone who’s income is all over the place. If you need any help in reducing stress from budgeting, check her book our HERE and see if you feel like it could be a fit for you.
Think that flea market flipping could be something you would be interested in? Check out some of our BEST PLACES TO FIND ITEMS TO FLIP to see if you could see yourself venturing out to treasure hunt once or twice per week. *This document will be e-mailed to your inbox available for download. It will also subscribe you to our updates list which will be an e-mail related to flea market flipping in some way – and usually once per week if we are on top of things. You can always unsubscribe at any time you don’t want flipping or eBay tips.*
Related Posts:
February Income Report – $9,290
November Income Report – $6,200
How I made $133,000 in One Year Of Flipping Flea Market Items
4 Powerful Ways to Make The Most Of Your Variable Income
Do you have a fixed or variable income?
How much did you buy the metal dectecter for? You said you split your mattresses up for sale not trying to be nosy just trying to learn do yu keep some items for flipping in a storage unit? So cool those sleep number mattresses very cool profit.
I used to do this, but I never made as much money as you! Good for you, thanks for the tips!
thanks Diana! Do you still like to flip items?
I really enjoy your reports and always look forward to your posts. I ordered the how to ship book, the charge went through but haven’t received any download??? Can you see that I get it please. Thank you, Theresa
Hi Theresa! It should have came from Flea Market Flipper Downloads. It might have gone to your spam folder. I will resend it. Please e-mail me at [email protected] if you don’t receive it again. Thanks!
Impressive margins! I guess it helps to have a lot of experience and know a little about a lot of different types of products. Looking forward to the next report!
I ordered your first book and never received it. Would appreciate it If you could look into this matter. I love what you do and want to do this too. My husband and I live in our RV and love it. We have done this for 4 years. We live in Texas and love to go to the largest flea market in the US. It is located in Canton Texas about 1 1/2 hrs east of Dallas. We unload our custom scooters and go to town! The flea market is the weekend before the first Monday of the month. Thank You Happy RVing!
Hi Sue! I just went into our SendOwl account and resent you the download link. It isn’t to the e-mail you have listed here though. It was sent to the ********paintandbody@yahoo address. If you need it send to another address, please e-mail us our rob @ fleamarketflipper . com And that flea market in Texas sounds like so much fun!!! I bet you guys have a blast!