Do you invest in yourself and the knowledge to grow your business?
Investing in yourself is a game-changer if you want to take your business to the next level. We believe in spending time developing your mind and your skills so you can continue on a positive trajectory.
We like to listen to podcasts while we run. We’ve heard a lot of Alex Hormozi episodes where he talks about investing in the S&Me before the S&P. So, if you’re going to invest money in the stock market but haven’t invested in yourself and on skills that can pay you over and over again, you might want to start.
Learning Can Re-Energize You
We’re headed on a week-long Mastermind with the coaching we invest in, which sparked this topic for us. This is how we live our lives and what we’ve been doing for the last eight years since we’ve been in business as Flea Market Flipper.
We will meet with like-minded people who want to grow their businesses, and one of the results is that we come back a lot more excited and energized about our business. Business is hard. We have the eBay business and the coaching side, and a lot goes into both. Sometimes you can feel like you’re doing many things all the time and feel drained. And if you don’t put yourself with people trying to better themselves, improve their businesses, and help people, it can be draining or lonely. Putting yourself around other motivated people is essential.
Invest To Learn From Experts
We have two parts to our business – eBay, where we buy and sell items, and coaching, where we teach others how to do that.
We’ve been selling on eBay for 27 years, and there is nobody further along than us in selling large items on eBay. We can’t find training for that anywhere, so we can’t invest in that portion of the business other than doing it ourselves, which is what we do.
If there were someone to take us to the next level, we’d invest, but since there isn’t, we’re investing in the Flea Market Flipper side. When we started in 2015, we didn’t know how to run a blog with SEO or rankings. Melissa had experience doing a health and fitness blog for her clients, but it was really basic.
We didn’t know how to build all this stuff, so we had to find the people who knew it to help us with it. And that’s where we took the shortcut. By learning from people who were experts, we could get all the tips to get there faster rather than invest 27 years learning something new.
On the coaching side, we’ve found people further along than us, so we looked to them for advice. In 2015, a friend taught people to do what she did, so she put together a course for us for $1,000. We were walking away from our careers then and didn’t have much money in savings, but we made it work. Learning is a constant journey, and we made the investment.
Learning Is A Continuous Investment
Fast forward a couple of years, and we were at a conference, which is another excellent way to learn.
We met other bloggers and YouTubers to see how we could improve our business and heard Grant with Millennial Money speak. He was talking about flipping domains. After hearing him talk, we said we had to see if he would coach us. At the time, he didn’t do coaching, but we went up to him because we saw that he had results. Since it was something he didn’t normally do, he took time to think about it and got back to us with a total that blew our minds. We knew we needed to do it; it was $10,000.
During that three-month process, he helped us rebrand and grow some areas of our business. Each time you take away something positive, and we still use all the branding that he did.
In year three or four, we wanted to scale, get more visibility, and learn about Facebook ads. We saw another person speak and asked if he would coach us. He brought in another coach, too, and they said it would be $6,000 for the first three months, and we ended up doing a whole year, so it was $12,000 to learn and grow from them.
Last year we jumped into the current coaching program we’re in now, which has been the most significant investment to date. We’re sharing these numbers because we believe in teaching people, and we believe in the process. It’s similar to going to college and learning a skillset. That’s what we’re doing, learning and growing our skills.
The coaching program was a year-long program, but it was $30,000. We renewed it for this year as well. The program has masterminds where we get together in a group setting with like-minded people trying to achieve business results. As you can see with these numbers, we’ve constantly been investing in our business, investing in how to get better, coach better, and be better leaders for our students.
Find A Way To Start Investing In Yourself
We must add that we don’t have that money in a bank account. It’s an investment. It’s been tough at some points, but we know we need it to keep growing. We’ve sacrificed to do these things like using old cars and staying in our modest home.
You just have to decide if learning is meaningful and find ways to do it. There are many free ways to learn too, but we felt it was important to have skin in the game to hold us to our goals.
Find people doing what you want to do and network with them. Learn from them and build friendships. There are audiobooks, podcasts, and YouTube channels for free resources. Pay for a small course or a book if you want to put some accountability to it.
Think about where you can help yourself grow. And are you listening to positive people? Surround yourself with people who build you up so you can find the success you’re looking for.
Show Notes
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Podcast With Grant From Millennial Money
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FREE Workshop How To Turn Your Passion of Flipping Items Into A Profitable Reselling Business
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