Are you looking for a side hustle for your 10-year-old? If your kids want a little extra spending money or you just want to teach them about responsibility, reselling is a great side hustle for kids to do while being supervised at home. The barrier to entry is low, and reselling can be flexible so your kids can do it around their school and extracurricular activities.
Flexible Hours & Parent Supervision
Reselling is a great side hustle (or full-time job for us adults) because it is so flexible. You can source, list, and ship out items at your convenience. Kids have school during the day, extracurriculars in the afternoon, and likely homework in the evening. That doesn’t leave much time for them to get a job with regular hours. If they’re only 10 years old, they probably aren’t legally allowed to work anyway. But there should be a way for them to earn new money for that new toy they’ve been wanting. That’s why we taught our kids how to resell on eBay.
To start an eBay account, you must be 18 years old. This is why we say this is a job to be done with parental supervision. The parent will have to start the account, but a person under 18 can use an adult’s account with the account holder’s permission. The account holder is responsible for everything done with that account.
Flipping can be a great side hustle for kids because they can take photos of their items, list them on eBay (with parents’ help), and sell them; all they need is a phone. When it comes to shipping, they’ll need some basic supplies like tape, boxes, and a printer for shipping labels. They’ll probably need a ride to the shipping store and some oversight to ensure they didn’t miss any steps.
Learn Entrepreneurial Skills
Another reason to get your kids set up with an eBay account (under your name) is to teach them entrepreneurial skills. They will learn what it means to think like a business owner, how to decide what to sell and for how much, and how to deliver good customer service through communication and timely shipping. Once they’ve made a sale, they can decide whether to reinvest the money into the business, save it, or buy something they’ve wanted.
With reselling, kids will learn what it looks like to work for themselves, so when they grow up, they can decide if they want to do that or work for someone else. They’ll be confident that they have skills and can make decisions.
Plus, working on pricing and calculating shipping helps with their math skills, while the listing descriptions helps them develop their writing chops.
Declutter Your House
When your kids start reselling on eBay, have them go through their rooms and pick gently-used items or toys they no longer use. Start with what you own already rather than sourcing from a thrift store. This way, you don’t have to invest money to start up and are also decluttering your house simultaneously.
As your kids continue flipping on eBay, they can source with you at yard sales and thrift stores, but this comes with more experience. When going to source with your kids, teach them how to negotiate. Many people who hold yard sales will be up for giving a deal to a kid who asks. It’s all part of building skills that your kids can use for the rest of their lives. The art of negotiation is a big one!
Sign Up For Flipper University: Kid’s Edition
Do you want to help your child start flipping? Try Flipper University: Kid’s Edition. We developed this course after realizing we should teach our kids how to flip their toys.
Melissa and I taught our kids how to flip because we were tired of all the stuff at our house. It was hard to continuously say no to their request for new toys. We realized flipping could be a learning opportunity. I grew up learning these skills from my mom, so it made sense to pass them on to my kids. The flexibility of flipping has allowed us to take the kids with us to the flea markets. They can also observe the work we do at home. We can spend more time together, and they’re learning the business.
We think reselling is a great side hustle for kids because they’ll learn skills they can use for the rest of their lives. When they leave home, you’ll know they have a way to make money no matter what’s going on in their lives.
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