Furniture repurposing is not our expertise (yet), and we have expressed that in the past. But, it is something we want to sta
rt doing more of. We recently held a contest this spring to find 10 fantastic flips that we will be putting together in a publication with tutorials very soon. I did want to share with you one of my projects that I completed that I was pretty proud of: an entertainment center repurpose.
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Melissa wanted more organized storage in our room when we turned our office into her workout room 2 years ago. (She is a personal trainer and used to train clients in our back room after baby #2 was born.) Since we were essentially losing our bookshelf and more storage in that room, she thought we could move some of those things to the bedroom. We were looking for two narrow bookshelves to use as nightstands so we could put some of her books and things there. We went to Ikea to look at what they had, but didn’t end up getting anything.
Then I had an idea.
I browsed Offer Up and found THIS beauty:
This was an entertainment center that was just missing the middle piece. With new technologies the need for an entertainment center repurpose have been on the rise. There is no longer a need to have a huge box around your bulky television. Now that TV’s are flat, they mount seamlessly on the wall. and the choices for decorating/storage around them are limitless.
So we decided that we would do an entertainment center repurpose using my Offer Up find. I purchased the set for $45.
I brought them home and started re-painting them. Melissa wanted them white to offset our grey and teal walls.
Entertainment Center Repurpose
Materials Used
Water based white paint. (We used water based because I can’t stand cleaning up oil-based paint. But oil-based would have probably been the better choice this job because it hold up really well.)
Paint Sprayer – I have bought and resold paint sprayers that I bought from the flea market, but I had bought a new one from Harbor freight recently for little jobs like this. I prefer using a paint sprayer to a paint brush because it covers so well, and the time painting is more than cut in half!
Glass pieces – We needed some shelves to put in for book cases, so I asked my buddy who is a glass guy to make us 6 shelves total (3 per side).
Method Used
The method was pretty easy because there wasn’t a lot involved. I didn’t even need to sand it down. I just brought it outside, set it on a couple of large sheets, and started spraying it.
After it was dry I added back the center piece. (I wanted to keep it dark for contrast)
Then put it up in our room! (This is before the glass shelves)
This entertainment center repurpose has been very functional for us. Not only does it have 4 shelves on each side, there are 2 underneath in the cupboard part so we can keep things in there as well.
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I Want to Hear From YOU!
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