Let’s talk about five tips that you can use this year to grow your reselling business in 2025. We love helping people grow their flipping business. It’s why we put content out there like our podcast and videos. We want to help you grow your reselling business this year.
Tip #1 Use eBay To Grow Your Business
If you’re not using eBay yet, you should be. For us, 90-95% of our sales come through eBay. eBay is the biggest platform out there selling used items. That’s why we use it as our number one source to resell items. eBay has a global reach and has been around since 1996 so it’s a very credible platform to sell items on.
We’ve cross-posted on a lot of different platforms over the years, but eBay has always been our bread and butter. If you’re not using eBay yet, it can really help grow your reselling business.
Tip #2 Be Consistent
Being consistent is something most people struggle with, but it’s crucial to grow your business. Being consistent with your listings is one of the biggest things you can do to keep growing your sales.
People want a consistent paycheck in their side hustle. The problem is they don’t always put the consistent hours in that it takes to build that paycheck. You might have a 9-5 job and are tired when you get home, but if you can find a few minutes a day to work on this business, you can grow it and really boost your finances.
From our experience, eBay likes seeing you consistently on the app, so even if you draft up 10 listings in one day, you can keep them in drafts and post one a day so it looks like you’re using the app more often.
Another thing to consider is stacking habits. Can you attach a habit that will grow your business to something else you’re doing? Maybe you like to relax and watch tv at night. Can you source for items on your phone while you’re watching TV? Or maybe that’s when you can list an item of the day.
Tip #3 Focus
Focus and follow one course until success. John Lee Dumas is a podcaster that Melissa and I have listened to for years, and this phrase is something we picked up from his show. Follow once course until success, whatever that course is, and whatever you deem success. Focus on what you want to do with your side hustle and do what it takes until you get there. Don’t get sidetracked.
When I was first figuring out what I wanted to do, I tried tons of odd jobs. My brother-in-law told me to focus on one thing and I’d be successful. It’s impossible to do 15 things at once. Things will get hard in every business or there might be something that you don’t like about it. But you can find a way to get past those things and find success.
Tip #4 Surround Yourself With Like-Minded People
Surround yourself with people who also want to grow and see you grow. This doesn’t mean cut out friends and family who aren’t supportive, but maybe spend more time around people who are supportive of your flipping side hustle. Don’t let people discourage you or get you down. Find people who lift you up and want to see you succeed.
There’s a saying that usually the people who are further ahead than you will never say anything negative to you, but the people behind you are the ones that want to tear you down.
Try to find people who want to grow themselves or are excited about trying something new. It doesn’t have to be the same side hustle as you, but find people who want to grow. That’s why we created our flipper community too, because we wanted that for our members.
Tip #5 Do Something That Scares You
Do something this year that scares you to grow. Melissa and I have been scared of public speaking and a few weeks ago we were speakers at PodFest. We’ve been practicing our speaking skills and it’s something we’ll continue to practice so we can grow.
Something that scares you might be starting an eBay account or trying freight shipping. Or it could be something unrelated to your flipping business. It could be something related to your health like running a marathon. I encourage you to set that goal for yourself in 2025 and do it. Take the steps to get to that point and do it because it will be amazing once you accomplish it and you’ll grow through the process.
Let’s get out there and smash your 2025 reselling goals!
Show Notes
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